Category: x39 Technology LifeWave

Preferred Customer Program with LifeWave Stem Cell Patch

Click here to Participate in the Preferred Customer Program You can sign up on line, but the web site is very confusing so I suggest calling the Customer Service # and tell them you would like to be a Preferred Customer, and ask them to send patches asap, otherwise they send in 30 days, not […]


Stem Cell Patch – LifeWave X39

Reverse Aging > Longer Lifespan > Longer Health span > Wellness > Health backed by clinical trials, blood work, patents and more. To learn more watch this > video Like what you saw and heard? Or order yours today > Retail OR Wholesale $149 Retail or $99 Wholesale and heard? slow connection?  call 866-202-0065  M-F […]


LifeWave X39 Technology

“IT’S NOT ANTI-AGING, IT’S AGE REVERSING.” -David Schmidt, CEO, Inventor of LifeWave “ and here is why…. click here Clinical Studies Science  If you are Hurting, Can’t Sleep, Losing your hair, Losing Muscle, Low in Energy, Slow to recover from Work Outs, suffer from slow Wound Healing, Wake up Stiff and Sore, Losing Flexibly and […]


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