Month: February 2017

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid: History, Chemical Structure, and its Benefits for the Body What is Hyaluronic Acid?  Hyaluronic Acid (HA), also known as hyaluronan or hyaluronate, is a carbohydrate, more specifically a mucopolysaccharide occurring naturally throughout the human body. It can be several thousands of sugars (carbohydrates) long. When not bound to other molecules, it binds to water giving it […]


SoQi Massage

SoQi Massage aka Power Nap aka Beauty Sleep Book your’s Today With over 38 years or research on 100,000 people the personal stories just keep coming in, the benefits of our SoQi Massage cannot be denied. Imagine a Full Body Massage and workout equivalent to a 30 minute, non-impact aerobic exercise class (flat on your […]


LED for Sadness and Depression

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Depression no more at LED Skin Care Spa, Plano Tx.  LED light for acne, balding and skin aging issues also offers a wonderful side effect, happiness! Yes LED for sadness and depression has been proven it works!  The best part about our protocols for acne, balding and problem skin care issues […]


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