Category: Uncategorized

Patches by LifeWave

What do you want to be when you grow up?  How about get YOUNGER?  here you go… Open links and you can move the video forward or backward to bypass an introduction or repeat what was said Take note…great info coming your way.. X39 Research  Health  Practitioners X49 Research More detail 1  Glutathione Suzanne Summers and LifeWave […]


Jump Start with LED Skin Care Spa

What makes LED Skin Care Spa stand out from all the rest?  LIGHT technologies.  LED light works form the INSIDE OUT to change and transform skin without injections, pills or surgery. From the age of 25 we begin to lose collagen, a major protein in the body. And by the age of 5 we lose […]


Relaxing No Touch Massage Plano 75093

What is a SoQi Massage?  The best power nap around   So means Solar Qi means Life Force,  providing a natural healing from within. Like what you’ve read? Book your treatment here, under Massage aka SoQi Massage. Imagine receiving a: > Relaxing energic lymphatic massage > Mini spinal alignment > 30 minute non impact aerobic workout […]


Home Care by LED Skin Care Spa

After your consultation we make home care recommendations beginning with cleansing your skin deeply and properly. Step 1 PreCleanse – removes impurities from today, yesterday and last week! Step 2 Cleansing suggestions based on you skin type and issues have been made. Here are your cleansing options Treatments >>> our recommendations do change based on […]



My scars have noticeably lightened’ I’ve been using the X39™ for the past couple of weeks using the recommended placements. I have 2 scars under and next to my belly button… I’ve had these scars since September when I had surgeries. I’m a neuromuscular myonetics specialist so I can feel the scar tissues on the […]


LifeWave X39 stem cell activation

Stem Cell Activation in a Patch! Aging bodies lose the ability to regenerate, heal, recover from injury and activities.  Imagine regenerating your body aka “stem cells” via a patch.  Welcome to the 21st century!  Hear about about the science and technology here… Over 20 years in development and more patents on the way. Just start your […]


X49 patch released Jan. 2022!

X49™ Product Education Blood samples to measure AHK-Cu concentrations were taken at baseline, 24 hours and at 7 days of wearing the patch. A sample of convenience of 10 subjects made up of both men and women aged 40-81 were selected to participate in one study. One study revealed that there were trends towards increases […]


Therapeutic Essential Oils

It’s time to clear the air!   Scientific Proof  we’re killing it How do you Clear/Clean the air of bacteria, mold, and fungus?  It’s never too late to Look back at history and refer to nature! We suggest you avoid things that are man made, typically made with toxic chemicals – ever get a headache […]


LED treatments at LED Skin Care Spa

How LED light treatments change the skin… Our body thrives and regenerates with light.  LED light treatments penetrate below the skin’s surface turning on cellular regeneration.  End results are tighter, firmer, acne free skin. However, using the proper wave length, light intensity (clinical strength LED) exposure, skin cells WAKE UP and act youthful again.   Unfortunately hand […]


iHeRQules – Life is in the blood

If you could turn back the hands of time would you?   For starters….how about? + Reducing inflammation – a major ager! + Detox without feeling ill? + Protection from pesticides and toxins? + Cleaning the blood so it can the liver? + Growing the length of your telomers? Over 1500 blood samples show we are growing […]


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