SoQi Massage aka Power Nap aka Beauty Sleep

Book your’s Today

With over 38 years or research on 100,000 people the personal stories just keep coming in, the benefits of our SoQi Massage cannot be denied.

Imagine a Full Body Massage and workout equivalent to a 30 minute, non-impact aerobic exercise class (flat on your back), Lymphatic Drainage, Mini Spinal Alignment, Speeding up your metabolism where you’ll burn 900 calories an hour, Relieving your body of Aches Pains,  Benefiting from a Mini Power Nap, Deep Relaxation, along with music or subliminal messages from Ellen to lose weight or stop smoking or set weight, life or business goals, or pain relief, or build your self image, as you fade into alpha consciousnesses where you have no limits or boundaries.  “You can change your Life when you change your Mind”

AuraOur SoQi Massage combines two powerful, body transforming machines.  The patented technology of the Sun Ancon Chi Machine (anything else is a “toy”)  and our Far Infrared Hot Houses, benefit your body in many ways:

Sun Ancon Chi Machine:
*Full body massage
*Lymphatic massage
*Non-impact aerobic exercise
*Move and eliminate toxins
*Increase cirulation
*Relieve tired and sore muscles
*Nervousness, pain and insomnia
*Improve organ function
*Aid in Asthma and tracheal inflammation
*Weight issues
*Aura and energetic energy expanded

The benefits or Far InFraRed (FIR) are vast:
*Elevates body temperature
*Expands blood capillaries
*Stimulates metabolism
*Promotes tissue regeneration
*Reduces cramping
*Creates “micro-friction” cell vibration and molecular resonance
*Aids is eliminating waste products from aging
*Removes heavy metals and toxic substances
*Adjusts the autonomic nerve function
*Reduces over-stimulation of sensory nerves
Oxygen Improvement

Book your Massage aka SoQi Massage here today!


Short-term memory improved Accelerated repair in brain contusions
Cerebral hemorrhages – healing both speeds up and is significantly enhanced

Ligaments Joint capsules Tendons
Fascia Synovium Increases range of motion
Scarred, thickened or contracted tissues
Increases extensibility of collagen tissues

Reduces acidity in the body (FIR causes fruit to ripen faster by reducing acidity)

Neuresthenia Adjusts autonomic nerve function
Reduces over-stimulation of sensory nerves

Attracts calcium ions to the cellular level
Promotes adhesion and osmosis of water molecules across the cellular membrane
Stimulates enzyme activity

Assists in reduction of swelling and inflammation by improving lymph flow
Decreases joint stiffness directly

Neuralgia Headache Pain during menstruation
May lead to increased endorphin production, which reduces pain

Increases blood flow by promoting dilation of capillaries
Clogged capillary vessels Hypertension Arteriosclerosis
High blood pressure Low blood pressure Coronary artery disease
Arthritis Sciatica Backaches
Hemorrhoids Nervous tension Diabetes
Varicose veins Neuritis Bursitis
Rheumatism Strained muscles Fatigue
Stretch marks Menstrual cramps Upset stomach
Piles Poor peripheral circulation

Atherosclerosis (thickening of artery walls due to fatty deposits)
Septic shock (dangerous drop of blood pressure)
Due to the deep penetration over 1-1/2″ into the skin of the infrared rays generated by the FIR dome, there is a healing effect deep in the muscular tissues and the internal organs. The body responds to this deep healing affect as a hypothalamic-induced increase in both heart volume and rate. Research by NASA in the early 1980’s led to the conclusion that infrared stimulation of cardiovascular function would be the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditioning in American astronauts during long space flights. As the body works to cool itself, there is a substantial increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate, and blood flow rises.

Edema of the joints Inflammation of joints Tendinitis
Sprain Joint stiffness Peripheral Occlusive Disease
Speeds up healing – treatment with infrared has been so successful that hospital stays were reported to have been reduced by 25%.

Cancer therapy Cancer of the tongue
Radiation sickness – relieves signs & symptoms
Cancer pain – relieved in later stages of cancer
FIR heat can penetrate through the body and kill cancerous cells

Cancerous cells cannot exist if blood circulation is smooth. Good circulation in the capillaries leaves no room for a cancerous cell to settle down. (A cancerous cell has to settle down so it can proliferate.) FIR helps capillaries to expand, improving circulation. The cancer cell also has a weakness: heat above 42 deg C can kill it. FIR heat can penetrate through the body and kill cancerous cells. FIR treatment raises body temperature. FIR therapy can alleviate pain and prolong life when conventional cancer treatment fails. Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are considered detrimental to health – they are invasive treatments. FIR therapy and immuno-therapy are regarded as non-invasive. FIR is extremely beneficial.

Dr. John Tate, DDS, says, “I have used the FIR dome with over fifty high risk surgical cases without complication or dry sockets on 92% of the patients. The dome is placed over the patient in my office a half hour before surgery and then a half hour after surgery to promote an immune response. The patient then takes the dome home and applies the technology at home for two hours a day for the next three days. They get what we call complete healing. The macrophages produce collagen necessary to stimulate the fibroblasts, and the tissue of the fibroblasts then will stimulate the osteoblast, which is bone. That is where the bone forms – and it starts in the first three days – but it takes about six months for complete healing. The two main cells we need in dentistry and in surgery around the bone area are the macrophages and the neutrophils.” (which are activated by far infrared heat).

“The macrophage is called the “pac man” of the immune system. The macrophage is a cell that engulfs and digests microorganisms. Everything starts with the macrophage – “macro” meaning big and “phage” meaning eater. So we have a big eater here. The tentacle on the macrophage grabs the staphylococci and a bacillus rod, and that macrophage extends a pseudo paw to get the bacteria that is now invading our blood!”

“I elected to use the FIR dome for these reasons:
1. Safety. The FIR produces a wave length that is identical to the body’s own wave length by body heat, and that is at the 8-to-10-micron level, so it is safe.
2. Penetration. FIR penetrates 1-1/2″ so this is an advantage to the dental surgeon who deals with bone as well as soft tissue.
3. Area covered. The unique ceramic construction of the FIR dome covers a large area of the body, with a large coverage in a short period of time. Since there is a 160-degree angle, the penetration and the intensity of the dome produces a strong effect.
4. One hour’s use of the FIR dome for five days would produce a large body production of nitric oxide gas. It will also increase circulation, reduce pain and swelling and promote faster healing. That has been my observation with about 50 patients now. They tell me, ‘Doc, I don’t need any more antibiotics; I am healing; I feel good; I don’t have any swelling.’”

Pelvic infection Post-surgical infection
Toe-and-finger-nail fungus
Scleraderma (an autoimmune disease where collagen builds up and healing cannot take place because the circulation can’t get to the area due to the buildup of the collagen)
Infrared energy appears capable of potentiating functions of white blood cells. More white blood cells means greater immune function and resistance to disease and viruses.

There is an immune response facilitated by the photons of the FIR technology that turns on the enzyme system, particularly the nitric oxide synthase enzyme. It is well established medically that this is the mechanism involved in the FIR technology.

Menopause Cold hands & feet High blood pressure
Rheumatoid arthritis Radiation sickness Sequelae of strokes
Leg ulcers Rheumatism Insomnia
Benign prostatic hypertrophy Pain which affects ability to sleep
Pain from a metal joint implant Speeds healing of joint implants
Compression fracture pain

Duodenal ulcers Hepatitis Gastritis
Cirrhosis of liver Hemorrhoids Asthma
Bronchitis Crohn’s Disease Post-surgical adhesions
Cystitis Heartburn Nephritis
Gastric and duodenal ulcers Stomach ache Gastroenteric
Reduces density of uric acid Cholecystitis

Sore throats Earache Nosebleeds
Chronic middle-ear inflammation & infection
Tinitus – chronic, severe case cleared with 10 FIR treatments

Chest colds Bronchitis Pneumonia

Clogged pores. Poor skin tone. Open wounds
Laceration Body odor Loosens dead outer skin
Eczema Psoriasis Aging skin
Chapping Chillblains Frostbite
Rashes Removes roughness Improves skin tone
Nettle rash Neurodermatitis
Leg & Decubitus ulcers improved when previously resistant to other care
Dandruff – due to increased blood flow through the scalp
Burns – Scars and pain from burns and wounds are decreased in severity and extent. FIR therapy is used routinely in burn units throughout Asia.
Keloids – significantly softened and in some cases completely gone
Acne – FIR may open pores that have not been functioning in years
Sunburn – FIR radiations are the only antidote to excessive ultraviolet radiation, according to Clayton’s Electrotherapy, Ninth Ed.

Arthritis Accel-decel injury sequelae Brain contusion
Lumbago Relieves muscle spasms TMJ arthritis
Cramping Whiplash Lumbar strain
Muscle tension Spinal cord shock Post-exercise muscle pain
Bursitis Muscle spasms Knee injuries
Paralysis Sciatica Neuralgia
Abnormal nerve functions
Back, shoulder, neck and muscle pain
Facial paralysis (Bell’s Palsy)
Reduces muscle spasms as muscle fibers are heated
Great for warming up before exercise

Soft tissue injuries – promotes relief in chronic cases Accelerated healing in newer injuries
Auto accident-related soft tissue injury Cellulite
Aids in regeneration of tissue
Reduces soreness through direct action on nerve endings in tissues and on periphery

Direct excretion of fat. Burns calories Increases metabolism
Weight loss can come through the energy use needed to produce sweating
Cellulite (a gel-like substance made up of fat, water and wastes, which are trapped in pockets below the skin) A FIR dome will assist this condition, as profuse sweating helps clear it from the body. FIR heat can be significantly more effective than other heat methods, due to the heat penetration being twice the depth into cellulite.

As a FIR dome is an unsurpassed expeller of toxins, it is also a great way to get rid of any fat our bodies are using to dilute toxins we are storing. Two of the highest caloric output forms of exercise are rowing and marathon running. Peak output in these sports burns about 600 calories in 30 minutes. Infrared use may better this effect by burning some 900 calories in a 30-minute session. Thus Infrared might stimulate the consumption of energy equal to that expended in a 6.9 mile run during only a single session. The cleansing and purifying benefits attributed to the traditional sweat lodges are now available for daily purification without the time-consuming set-up process that a sweat lodge requires.

An infrared system can play a pivotal role in both weight control and cardiovascular conditioning. The Infrared dome makes it possible for people in wheelchairs, or those who are otherwise unable to exert themselves or who won’t follow through on an exercise and conditioning program to achieve a cardiovascular training effect. This also allows for more variety in any ongoing training program. “Regular use may be as effective, as a means of cardiovascular conditioning and burning of calories, as regular exercise.”

For athletes, the FIR dome helps the oxygen-debt to be repaid more quickly. The FIR dome is great for warming up before stretching or starting any vigorous activity. Allow the FIR rays to pour right through your clothing until you just begin to break a sweat. Now you are pre-warmed for stretching, running, skiing in cold weather. This should help to prevent injuries.

Rheumatoid arthritis in a 14-year-old Swedish girl who couldn’t walk comfortably downstairs due to knee pain since she had been eight years old. Her rheumatologists told her mother that she would be in a wheelchair within two years. However, after three infrared treatments she began to become more agile and subsequently took up folk dancing, without the aid of the conventional approach in her recovery.

Warming Up to Far Infrared

Infrared’s Effect on Dentistry and the Immune System, John L. Tate, DDS.
Far-Infrared – Technologies That Harness the Sun, Valerie H. Free, Complimentary Healing.
Warming up to Far-Infrared, D.J. Fletcher, Alternative Medicine, Jan. 2001.
Infrared Thermal System, Dr. Aaron M.Flickstein, Thermal Life Infrared.
The Healing Rays of Far-Infrared, Hsin Ten Enterprises.
Augmentation of Wound Healing Using Monochromatic Infrared Energy, Lon R.Horwitz, DPM, CWS; Thomas J. Burke, PhD; Dale Carnegie, DPM, Advances in Wound Care, Jan./Feb.1999.
Medical Report, HotHouse FIR Health Builder.
Clayton’s Electrotherapy, Ninth Ed.
Therapeutic Heat and Cold, 4th Ed, ED, Justus F. Lehmann, M.D.
The Science of Far Infrared Therapies, Toshiko Yamazaki, M.D.


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    * Results vary from person to person