Category: Uncategorized


Who is Dr. Chris Shade? Why PrimeMybody? What is CB1 and CB2? How does hemp feed our Hormone, Immune, and Nervous Systems? See the Video Below – get your notebook for a great education Hemp Oil aka CBD Oil Here’s a Find It Fast Index: 2:15 Why is PrimeMyBody the best cannabinoid solution? 3:08 Dr Chris […]


Hemp Oil aka CBD oil

In the video below Dr. Chris Shade addresses PrimeMyBody affiliates and shares the some chemistry of his ‘new’ Hemp Oil designed exclusively for PrimeMyBody. Who is Dr. Chris Shade Why Prime My Body? What is CB1 and CB2 receptors What is Hemp Oil and how does it work in the body’s Nervous, Immune and Hormonal […]


Klotho on wounds and aging skin

Collagen production slows by 20 and by 30 STOPS!  Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, losing it accelerates all forms of aging. But what if you could stimulate its production again.  Slow  and stop the aging process?   Science is wonderful and brings us amazing discoveries.  Enjoy the scientific of Klotho…. Klotho, Stem […]


Leptin Resistance

Why do we get FAT?  It’s those pesky hormones! Hormones have more to do with us getting FAT (storing sugar) than burning it.   Currently 70% of Americans are FAT!  Why are we are we Fat? Inflammation and hormones.  If you can stop inflammation in your body you will begin to burn sugar instead of […]


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